Samahan Natural Hot Drink Herbal Ayurvedic medicine

Samahan Natural Hot Drink Herbal Medicine

About Samahan

Link Samahan is a wholly natural, safe and effective preparation for relief of cold and cold related symptoms.
The common cold is probably the world's most widespread malady and responsible for the loss of millions of working days. Cold related health problems are aggravated by changing weather patterns and certain allergens. Sneezing, runny noses, itching eyes and sore throats are the first signs of a common cold.
Link Natural, after many years of research developed Link Samahan, a 100% authentic herbal formulation that is available as instantly soluble granules that comprises extracts of 14 medicinal plants used in Peyava formulations. Link Samahan is presently the leading herbal product for colds and related symptoms in Sri Lanka and is fast becoming popular internationally. This success was recognised when Link Samahan achieved Superbrand status in 2007.

Before You Drink

  1. What is Samahan? Samahan is a 100% herbal preparation based on Ayurveda principles. It contains the extracts of 14 herbs mentioned in the sachet, only.The formula was developed by a panel of Ayurveda practitioners. The formula was developed after 5 years of Research and Development by a multi-disciplinary team of scientists, technologists and Ayurveda practitioners at Link Natural.
  2. What's so special about Samahan? Samahan is the first Ayurvedi 100% herbal easy-to-use preparation in the market for colds and cold related symptoms and Flu.
  3. When should Samahan be taken? Samahan can be taken at any time. It is most effective when taken at the first sign of cold or flu.
  4. Can Samahan be taken while on other medication? Yes. Most ingredients in Samahan are commonly used in our day-to-day food.According to the panel of Ayurveda practitioners who developed the Samahan formula, it could be taken while on other medication.
  5. If its an Ayurvedic formulation, how can it be instant and so effective? Ayurveda is a medical system that is in existence for over 5000 years and used by millions of people. Samahan formula was developed based on Ayurvedic principles and experience.The use of authentic raw materials of right quality and the scientifically optimized production protocol by Link Natural, make the Samahan effective and instant.
  6. Samahan is said to act instantly. How is that? Answered in (5) above.
  7. Are "Western drugs" added to give Samahan the quick-fix effect? NO. Samahan is 100% natural. It contains only the ingredients mentioned in the pack and cane sugar.
  8. Is Samahan good only for cold and cold-related ailments? Samahan is especially prepared for cold and cold related symptoms and flu but, is effective for fatigue, body aches and similar common complaints.
  9. Can Samahan be taken regularly? Yes. It can be taken as a normal warm drink. It can be taken with tea or coffee, or could even replace them.
  10. Will it have side effects if taken daily?
    No. Ingredients of Samahan had been in use for centuries for food and medicine, without any side effects.

Cinnamon First Quality Sticks Sri Lanka


Medicinal Values
  • Scientifically proven to have medicinal qualities, Pure Cinnamon extracts, have been used in many remedies for various illnesses. It is imperative that quality Cinnamon be used in such medicinal treatments.
  • Cinnamon’s properties have been exploited in Type II Diabetes. The spice is known to reduce blood sugar levels by mimicking activities of Insulin via the chemically active and water soluble component - methyl hydroxychalcone (MHCP). MHCP also increases Insulin sensitivity, resulting in higher Glucose going into cells, thereby lowering the blood Glucose: hence restoring biochemical order in the body.
  • According to research, ½ a teaspoon of Cinnamon included in a daily diet can lower cholesterol and may significantly lower LDL (Low-density Lipoprotein, a type of lipoprotein that transports cholesterol from the liver to peripheral tissues), triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood) and total cholesterol. Adding Cinnamon to the daily diet would thereby reduce the likelihood of heart attacks.
  • Cinnamon’s antioxidant qualities have been applied in oxidative stress illnesses, where Cinnamon tea has been prescribed. And Cinnamon oil is used in pastes used against skin infections and surface wounds due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antiseptic properties.
  • Not restricted to traditional treatments, Cinnamon is now used in western medicines and has been accepted in therapeutic research to be a key ingredient in many types of medicines.

Herbal Tooth paste Sri lanka

oral care

About Sudantha 
Oral hygiene is much valued in Ayurvedic health care. A healthy oral condition is an indication of good health; bad breath on the other hand stems from faulty oral hygiene.
Link Sudantha herbal toothpaste has been formulated to present the benefits of a mixture of medicinal plants which have been used in Ayurveda for keeping teeth and gums healthy. It uses a total extract of nine specially selected plant species to formulate regular modern herbal toothpaste. Sudantha therefore, has healing effects on many conditions of gums and mouth while it prevents bacterial infections, tartar build-up, sensitivities and bad breath. In short, daily use of Sudantha safeguards oral health and acts as a mouth cleansing agent, with an acceptable taste and flavour, leaving a refreshing after-taste following use.

General Introduction
The Traditional Medical System of Sri Lanka has evolved throughout the centuries, and benefited by a Royal sponsorship from the time of King Budhadasa on wards (circa 400 A.D). The King was himself an accomplished physician, and through his active participation developed an organized medical system throughout the island which enjoyed full state recognition. A special feature of the indigenoussystem of medicine of today as it has evolved from the time of King Buddadasa, is that it is a synthes is of a number of systems that existed in the South Asian region, - viz: the dominant Ayurvedic system originating in the Indian sub-continent, the Unani system of Greco- Arabian origin, the Siddha system of Dravidian origin, and the Deshiya Chikitsa system, which prevailed in our little island prior to the progressive introduction and influence of Ayurveda, and the other systems. Thus the Sri Lankan indigenous system, which is a composite blend also bears a uniqueness where some of the constituent plant species utilized in the poly-prescriptions are endemic ones, similar to the species utilized in the other aforementioned systems.
Oral hygiene is much valued in Ayurvedic health care. A healthy oral condition is an indication of good health; bad breath on the other hand stems from inter-aliafaulty oral hygiene. The Link Sudantha tooth paste has been formulated with the idea of presenting the benefits from a mixture of medicinal plants which have been used in Ayurveda for keeping teeth and gums healthy. It uses a total extract of nine specially selected plant species to formulate a regular modern herbal toothpaste. Link Sudantha therefore, has healing effects on many conditions of gums and mouth and prevents bacterial infections, tartar build-up, sensitivities and badbreath. In short, daily use of Link Sudantha safegu
ardsoral health and acts as a mouth cleansing agent, with an acceptable taste and flavour, leaving are freshing. after-taste following use.
Therapeutic effects
The plant extracts incorporated into Link Sudantha are well known in Ayurveda to promote oralhygiene and provide relief from various oral care problems. They exhibit a combination of antibacterial actions, anticarious and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition these plant extracts have been used for countering pyorrhoea, toothache, bleeding of gums, sensitivity of teeth and sore throat.This specific combination acts synergistically to strengthen the gums, clean the teeth, prevent cariesand to remove bad breath.

Use Link Sudantha to ensure complete oral hygiene. Link Sudantha exerts healing effects on bleeding gums, gingivitis, ulceration of mouth and pyorrhea. Link Sudantha will also combat the problems of tartar build-up, bad breath, and tooth decay. Link Sudantha leaves behind a refreshing after-taste in the mouth. Its usage is most warranted in the cases aforementioned as well as in combating all unhealthy conditions of the mouth, gums and teeth.
Directions for use
Use a pea sized (1 cm on brush) amount of tooth paste and brush your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed.